«The purest form of madness is to
leave everything as it is and hope
that something will change.»
About me
How people perceive me:
I grew up in Malaysia and came to Switzerland when I was in fourth grade. Through the different cultures, I developed an understanding of other ways of thinking and value systems and learned to appreciate these differences. These experiences shaped my networked thinking and intuitive sensitivity, which are also of great importance for international companies. Projects took me to Southeast Asia, China, Southafrica, Africa and South America.
My personal and professional life taught me how important sustainable behavioural change can be in crucial life situations. I accompany and support people in their endeavour to successfully tackle and master their behavioural change.
You always have a choice – the choice to accept a situation as it is or the choice to change a situation for the better.
I support you in your choice to change.
My education
Cert. value oriented LeadershipCoach
(Coaching Academy, AUT, 2024)
Cert. value oriented TeamCoach
(Coaching Academy, Zürich, 2023)
Qualified value oriented systemic Coach & Consultant
(Coaching Academy, Zurich, 2023)
Leading Digital Business Transformation
(IMD, Lausanne, 2018)
Master of Business Administration
(Warwick Business School, UK, 2018)